‘A Communicator for

Ending Violence against Children’

“…I would show my short movie that I have made to people in my community…”


This is feedback from one of university students who has joined CPCR program of a Communicator for Ending Violence against Children’. This is the program that CPCR works with Dhurakij Pundit University, the Faculty of Communication Arts (CA), the Program of Film and Digital Media and there are 60 senior students who join the program. All university students have a chance to learn about social issues, especially the topic of violence against children. After they understand root caused and impacts of violence against children, they can create a short film and share to the general public.


At this stage, all students have developed storyboards and presented them to specialists. There are also feedbacks so that they can improve their short films.


This activity is part of CPCR project ‘End Violence against Children in Thailand and ASEAN’ which is supported by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and terre des Hommes Germany.